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Some thoughts on birthdays

My birthday was exactly a week ago. I meant to have this post done sooner but I had writer's block and was not in the mood. So...

Getting out of a Reading Rut

Going back to uni last year affected me in a lot of ways. This included being repelled by the thought of writing or reading anything....

One Line a Day

I've been keeping a diary on and off since I was a child. I start off great but after a while I just can't bring myself to write...

Work in Progress

It's taken a lot of time for me to build up to this. I feel so out of practice that I just don't know where to start. That's...

Current Reads: July Edition

With semester one of uni having ended it meant I could dedicate my time to more important things - such as reading. However, me...

What I Learned from having a skincare routine

The answer to the title of this post may seem obvious but for me, it was a new discovery. I'd never really had a regular skincare...

Life Update | What's been happening the last month

It's been a while since I've written something non-academic and to be honest, I'm at a loss as to how to write this. I'm still...