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Society 6

Hi all

My new thing that I'm doing at the moment is that I have an account on the website Society 6 which is just where can buy prints, shirts, pillows etc. with really cool designs on them that people create.  So far I've only done reworked pictures of celebrities in Photoshop and tried to make them different and cool.

This was the first image I did and I put together two images of Lady Gaga and Marilyn Monroe.  There are also a number of different filters over top which give it a cool mosaic look.

These two are also some of my favourite ones and are most popular on the site.  This has been a lot of fun for me as I used to want to design as a career but kind of lost the passion for it.  With this I've been remembering how fun Photoshop and designing is and is cool I can take knowledge from Art History and apply it my work.

My username is AshleyParis and I hope whoever reads this has a look and likes my work.

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