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Collection Cosmetics Nail Polish


I mention that I had won this nail polish on Friday's post which I completely forgot about entering so it was a very nice surprise.  So far I've only painted one hand (I'm a bit slow) but here's a little review of it.
The bottle is very similar to the Maybelline Colour Show nail polish which is another thing that I'd won and forgot about entering... 
First off the formula is very runny and pays to have as little as possible on the brush; it also helps to have a steady hand which is something I do not have so I mostly end up making a mess *sigh*.  The colour is amazing, I got Lady in Red , it's very pigmented so if you wanted to do one coat the colour will still be amazing. I did two coats to make the colour more solid and also because I like even numbers and it kind of felt weird just doing one.  Remember when I said that the colour kind of pinkish, well I was wrong it's a bright red and under a certain light it looks kind of orange-ish.  It also dries pretty quickly which is pretty awesome for especially for people like me who sometimes forgets they have wet nail polish on, do something and then ruin it :(
As I said before I've heard great things about this brand especially about their mascara and concealer which a two things I really want to try out.
Hope you all enjoyed this post.

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