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The South Island Through Photos

Hello there. It's been a while. I've inadvertently taken a blogging hiatus as there was a couple of things going on. First, which you can see from this post, is that myself and the family went on a little trip to the South Island for a week. We only had carry on luggage so I had to make do with my iPhone camera which didn't do too badly. When I came home I was hit with the reality of a test which I had a couple of days to study for and a big essay due at the end of this week. Oh joy. Anyway, the essay is driving me insane so I thought I would write this instead. I seem to be getting through it a lot quicker.

The photo above was taken at the end of the trip at a place called Bannockburn, an old gold mining site. My parents said it reminded them of Las Vegas. It's like being in the desert but surround by vineyards. I'm gonna put the photos in order of the places we went to and try to remember where I took them.



Te Anau



Butchers Dam, Alexandra



It was an amazing trip (even though it was freezing) and it was cool seeing where my Mum's side of the family are from.

Ashley xx

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