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Favourite Book Series - Vampire Academy


So when I have some spare time I love to just lay on my bed and read a good book.  I've pretty much read every book I currently have so I start re-reading series that I really love and never get bored of.  I thought I might share some series that I love.

Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
I got into the series when I was gifted the first two books for Christmas a couple of years ago.  I hadn't heard of the series before and was unsure if I like them.  By the time I was in the middle of reading the first book I was hooked and needed to get the rest of the series.
The storyline of the series follows Rose Hathaway, a Dhampir, who are half-human, half-vampire whose jobs are to protect the Moroi, the good vampires.  The books chronicle her adventures with her best friend Lissa, a royal Moroi princess who she has a physic bond with, as well Dimitri, her teacher who she is in love with and mostly takes place within the walls of St. Vladimir's Academy. 
The books are humorous, with Rose and Christian having some great one-liners but also has a serious side with characters being killed, going through some really serious problems and dealing with the constant threat of Strigoi, the bad vampires.
The series also has a love triangle element, which pretty much every book and movie has these days, but it's kind of clear who Rose is leaning towards more throughout the books. But it still sucks that the guy you like more in the series (Adrian) gets his heart broken.  But don't fear things look up for him is the sequel series, which I will do a post on.
Hope you all enjoyed this post. I've seen a few blogs do the Beauty Scenario Tag, so I might possibly do that for my next post, maybe ;)