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My Favourite Things #4

Hi there, remember me? Sorry for being quiet on the blogging front but I've had two essays due this week and as much as I try to be prepared and start early I always seem to be stressed and finishing it at the last minute. I never seem to learn. Anyway here's another weekly addition of my favourite things.

Fame Perfume
Remember when I did that post on my small collection of perfumes, which you can see here, and I mentioned that I was running out of my favourite one. Well I did but one day after my family went out shopping without me they picked up a set of two perfumes and some fake nails that came in bag.  I was sooooo happy as I could never find anywhere that sold it and now I'm pretty much set for a while :D

Collection Cosmetics Nail Polish
I apparently won this from Collection but I have no recollection of actually entering.  This thing happens to me often, I have a horrible memory usually with little stuff such as what competitions I've entered apparently.  But not remembering made the surprise of finding it in the mail even better.  The colour I got sent is called 'Lady in Red' and is more of a pinkish red rather than a red red, if you get what I mean.  I'm going to try it on this weekend and post a review next week so look out for it. I've heard great things about this brand especially their concealer and mascara which are two things I really want to try.

Electric Blankets
This one might seem quite random but with it getting colder lately its a necessity.  To be honest there's nothing better than getting into a warm bed and being snug rather than shivering in a cold one.  The only problem of course is getting out of bed especially early in the morning when it's still freezing.

Hope you all enjoyed this post and have a great weekend. Today I hand in my essay which is a relief and then turn my attention to two others :( Next week there should be the usual three posts, if I'm organised ;)