It's the end of the week once again and as I'm writing this I'm putting off having to study :/ I know I should but once I start I get easily distracted by other things.... oh well.
During the last few weeks of the semester I was too occupied with assignments to be able to read posts from my favourite blogs. Bloglovin' is amazing as all the posts are there in one place and you know which ones you haven't read yet and the newest ones are at the very top. Slowly but surely I am working my way through them all and catching up on all that I have missed.
The Rain
Over the past couple of days the weather has not been that amazing especially compared to today which is clear blue skies. I've spent the whole week at home trying to study which is why the rain hasn't annoyed me as much (if I was out and about it would be another story). I especially love it when it rains at night. I've always loved the sound of it hitting the roof ever since I was a child and find the sound almost calming and prefer it to the almost dead silence of night.
Bright Lipstick
As I've said I've been home all week so I couldn't really be bothered putting on make up. I do however like to just put on lipstick. Putting some on especially a bright colour instantly puts me in a good mood and I feel I can take on anything especially exam study (oh the power of lipstick).
So far this week I've worn two colours that kind of made me look glamorous in my 'home' clothes i.e. leggings and a jumper.
Bright Lipstick
As I've said I've been home all week so I couldn't really be bothered putting on make up. I do however like to just put on lipstick. Putting some on especially a bright colour instantly puts me in a good mood and I feel I can take on anything especially exam study (oh the power of lipstick).
So far this week I've worn two colours that kind of made me look glamorous in my 'home' clothes i.e. leggings and a jumper.
Left: NYX Chaos Right: Lime Crime Centrifuchsia
Hope you all enjoyed this post and have a great weekend! I'm off to put on some lipstick and try to study ;D