As you can tell from the title this post is another little insight into modern art that really interests me and especially with these works which make me think. Conceptual art is similar to Minimalism in that it's simple but the concept/idea of it is the real purpose of the work.
Rene Magritte "The Treachery of Images"
While Magritte was a Surrealist artist this work could be seen as one of the earliest conceptual pieces. I first saw this piece in year 13 and it blew my mind. The line translates to "This is not a pipe", when you really think about it you realise it's not a pipe but a representation of the pipe. MIND = BLOWN.
Joseph Kosuth, "One and Three Chairs"

Joseph Kosuth, "Glass Words Materials Described"
Joseph Kosuth, "Art as Idea as idea"
Like with Minimalism I love how simple but powerful these works are and how they cause the viewer to think about what they are seeing. I especially love the 'One and Three Chairs' where it's showing the same object but it three different ways.
Hope you all enjoyed this post :D