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Calf Club Day


Sorry for being M.I.A for the last week but uni work has been really stressing me out which leaves me drained of any creativity for the blog.  There probably won't be any posts next week either but we'll see how we go. I normally don't post on a Sunday but I had a little fun excursion yesterday which I'd thought I will document.
My old Primary/Secondary school had their annual Calf Club day yesterday.  When I was at school this was my favourite day ever, firstly because of the day itself and also because leading up to it we would have dedicated class time to do art which would then get judge and the day before we did flower arrangements. 
It was very weird going back after like nine years after leaving (can't believe it almost been a decade) especially when I remember the school being bigger than it was. It was also very weird walking around and seeing all the old teachers I had who pretty much are the same as I remember them. 
I also remember there being a lot more stuff at Calf Club as well, maybe it just doesn't appeal to me as much anymore.
 There were small motorised cars
A rock climbing wall
There was also horse riding and a digger that scooped out balls out of some water. Just your classic country school games.
I made some new friends
And of course I got candy floss which I then ate too fast and got a bit sick
We didn't spend that long there as there wasn't a lot to do so we went home to what could be described as a mini calf club.
This is Rocky the sheep sitting by the flowers for some shade I think
This is my sister's new Guinea Pig baby. It's very soft and cute.
Hope you all enjoyed this post. I'm pretty much half way through my assignments and I can just taste the freedom. Seriously can't wait for this semester to be over.