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Beauty Repurchases


This post is a continuation from the one on Monday as I bought these in the same trip.  These however were things I've owned and really loved and needed to replenish as I was starting to run out.

Elizabeth Arden Makeup Remover
I've already written about my love for it here so I won't go on about it.  It's the first makeup remover I've used and will probably be the only as it is so good. My makeup comes off so easily and it is able to take off mascara and lipstick so it's the only thing I'll ever need.  My face also feels so smooth afterwards, it's amazing.

Revlon Colourstay
Once again please refer to another post where I express my undying devotion to it here. It's the best foundation I've used, though in saying that I've only used two and I'm pretty sure the other one was too dark for me.  Anyway it gives me a good coverage, I use the oily/combination one which help disguises my oil ridden skin.

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
To finish things off I like to use this.  Once again I got this after watching Shaaanxo say that it was amazing, who needs another reason.  It works great for me, keeps my makeup good throughout the day. I use the translucent one but I really want to try out the others to see how they are.  The one I'm currently using has hit pan so I needed to get a replacement urgently.

Hope you all enjoyed this post!