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Book Crazy


Pretty much the first splurge I did when I got my allowance was buying some books that I've wanted for a while off Book Depository.  They were much cheaper and it has free shipping which for me is very appealing.  I've pretty much read and re-read every book that I have so I definitely needed something new to occupy my time with.
It - Alexa Chung
#Girlboss - Sophia Amorusa
Not That Kind of Girl - Lena Dunham
I've mostly heard about these books from other bloggers who have loved them so I wanted to get myself some copies. I haven't read any of them yet but am excited.  
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
There's been major buzz about the movie adaptation so I decided to get the book because everyone says it great.  I'm not even 1/3 through but it's very compelling and slightly uneasy. The story swaps between Amy's diary entries and Nick's perspective which give different views of their life together.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! If there is any other books out there that you love I would like to hear about them, I'm always on the hunt for a good read :D