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My Favourite Things #24

Brush Egg
I bought this off complexions.co.nz and it arrived yesterday.  I heard quite a bit about it, it is suppose to help clean your makeup brushes. For me cleaning my brushes takes up a lot of time so I was interested in getting this to make it more easier.  You can get the egg in Mint or Pink, I obviously went for pink because I just don't enough things in pink. I'm excited to try it out.

Gaps between exams
Other than exams being completely done this is the next best thing.  This week has been very stressful and hectic.  I had an exam on Monday then one yesterday.  Unfortunately I was so stressed and anxious about the one on Monday that I kind of completely ignored studying for the other one. This meant after it was done I was cramming for the next two days, but I wasn't as stressed about this one. Maybe because the course was on Greek Tragedy and I am much better at remembering plots of stories/plays rather than names and dates.  Anyway my last one, Art History,is next Thursday so I've got some time to prepare.
Online Shopping
Lately I've been a little crazy with the shopping especially online.  So far I've bought stuff off of five different online websites and I've still got a list of other ones I want to shop.  I promised myself I'll only buy stuff after each exam to celebrate it being done. I had one yesterday which means today I shop! I really need to get some control.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! Hope you all have a great weekend :D