Mirrou Elephant Dress
I completely forgot to include this in the post on Tuesday oops. But that just means I can include it in here and it is one of my favourite dresses I have even though it's a mission to try to get it on.
So yeah, the top and bottom part look like separate sections but I love the effect. The design is cool, it has elephants as well as some other cool designs which I find hard to describe. The straps at the back cross over and the back is open. This feature makes it impossible for me to put it on, I can't figure out where they're suppose to go, it took me at least 20 minutes to put it on once.
New Shoes
Yesterday I finally got to see Mockingjay, it was amazing, and saw it in the deluxe cinema with the comfy seats YUS. Anyway afterwards we went shopping I we stumbled into Number One Shoes and I got myself a little pressie.
They're nothing fancy, just black slip on shoes which I can just wear anywhere because sometimes I'm lazy.
Throughout December till Christmas numerous YouTube stars have been vlogging everyday which gives me quite a lot of viewing material to get through but I love them. My favourites are Lily Pebbles, Tanya Burr, Zoella, Shaaanxo and Shop Style Conquer.
Hope you all enjoyed this post and hope you all have a great weekend!