When I got my allowance (how often do I start off like this?) I made a list of all the things I wanted to buy. Getting my hands onto some new makeup brushes from XO Beauty was on top of the list.
XO Beauty is Shaaanxo's brand and sells makeup brushes, eyelashes and you can also buy hair ties and jewellery. They're really good quality, not that expensive and since it's based in New Zealand I don't have to wait as long to have them.
I wanted everything of course but I controlled myself. Because of this I struggle choosing what to get, trying to figure out what was more important.
I knew I wanted to get another Flat Top Face brush, I use this to put on foundation (as taught by Shaaanxo, all I know about makeup application is thanks to her). I got another one so I don't have to worry when ones drying out from being cleaned.
I also got a Lip Brush and Tapered Crease brush because they seemed like very important tools to have. I don't like being caught out in situations so I always make sure I'm prepared. I haven't ventured into eye shadows yet but I have purchased my first Naked Palette, Naked Basics, in celebration for getting my degree. I know that the Tapered Crease is an important brush to have for eye shadow so I got it in preparation.
I also picked myself up some hair ties as I pretty much have only one and because they're so gorgeous. There are three different styles to choose from, I went with the Original xo as I just love the simple designs and colours.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! I was tempted to get some eye lashes but I don't think I'm at that stage yet, maybe next time.