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iHerb #001

Hello again

This was the last online purchase I made for myself last year (I think), it was so long ago I can't remember.  I heard a lot about iHerb, mostly on the Makeup Obsessives Facebook page so I wanted to join in and bought a couple of things.

Real Techniques Expert Face Brush: iHerb has Real Techniques really cheap so it would be stupid of me to not get a couple of things.  I've heard people rave about this brush for putting on foundation, I've tried it once and it didn't go so well. I need more practice with it so hopefully I'll start to love it as much as everyone else.
Real Techniques Sponge: I've always wanted to try out a Beauty Blender so I went for next cheaper option. Like with the Buffing Brush I wasn't really sure how to use it, I need more practice.
Elf Undereye Setting Powder: I've watched Shaaanxo use and rave about it in many of her video's so of course I had to get some too.
Hurraw! Vanilla Bean Lipbalm: Once again this is a Shaaanxo inspired purchase. I got two, one for me and the other for my Dad as one of his Christmas gift's as he's always taking mine.
Real Techniques Your Eyes/Enhanced Starter Set: I went back and fourth deciding whether or not to get this. To save myself from buyer regret I got it and now I'm all set to navigate my way through putting on eye shadow.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! xx