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Bloodlines - The Ruby Circle

If you've been reading the blog for a while you'll know how much I love the Bloodline series as well as its predecessor Vampire Academy.  This is the last book of the series which I'm sad about but it had to end sometime.

I did a review of the previous book, Silver Shadows here. Like with that review if you haven't read the previous books be prepared to see some spoiler alerts, you've been warned.
This book again swaps between Adrian and Sydney's perspectives as they deal with the aftermath of them getting married and Jill being kidnapped.  The book is basically a journey of them finding her, Sydney coming up against an old enemy, as well as some other stuff which I'll won't mention.  There were a couple of omg moments which is great as they make the story more exciting and just makes me want to read the whole thing in one go.
Overall the book was great and the ending was good and nicely finished off the series with the characters getting their own happy endings.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! xx