When getting ready in the morning jewellery is pretty much the last thing on my mind and is the thing I often forget about. When I was younger I would have this problem where I would just buy or receive pieces of jewellery and just never wear any of them. These days I'm trying to wear more jewellery because they look pretty and add something to the outfit I guess.
Pretty much the only jewellery I wear at the moment are rings. The three rings above are the ones I wear currently. The Daisy Pandora Ring I got for my birthday last year, the Bow Ring I got for Christmas and the last one is what I got for my birthday this year. The two rings I got for my birthdays only fit on the same finger so I can only wear one at a time which sucks.
While going through all my jars, boxes and things I discovered some other pieces of jewellery which I just put away and then complete forget about. I've had the heart necklace for a couple of years and I think the pin is from my 21st last year. I want to try to remember to wear them especially the pin which I like. Lately I've been loving more simple jewellery so I'm hoping to find some pieces like that to wear.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! Next week I'll be in Australia so there won't be any posts. I do however have a feeling there might be some haul posts after that week though :p