It's been a while since I've done one of these posts so I thought I would bring it back cause there is a lot of things I'm excited about :D
Essie Nail Polish
I went from having none to now having seven within a space of two weeks. I'm obsessed with them. I love the colours, the design of the bottle and just everything really. I got two more this week, they'll be on the blog next week and they're gorgeous. I'm now excited to paint my nails again, before I just couldn't be bothered as the colours I had were boring.
Game of Thrones
I am so excited this show is finally back! A year or so ago I just one of those people wondering why people were obsessed with this show so I decided to start watching it. Long story short I binged watched it within a couple of months and I love it, I even bought a figure of Daenerys Targaryen while at Movie World.
I'm also excited about Orphan Black starting again I think in a couple of days!!!!
Uni Break
This was the last week of break and I feel that two weeks was not enough. It's good to have a bit of a breather from classes, gives me a chance to organise what I have to do so it's in a logical way and I won't freak out about it.
I also graduate early next month. Last night I hired all the graduation regalia which is scary but exciting. Means I'll get some physical proof of my degree that took three years.
Hope you all enjoyed this post and have a great weekend! xoxo