So I was at uni and I was taking a little 'break' on Twitter when had a little competition. The first five people to retweet got a prize so I hit that retweet button as fast as I could.
Being the most amazing people that they are I was also sent a couple of the Jeffree Star Cosmetics Velour Liquid Lipsticks.
I won a 'How 'Bout Them Apples?' Cheek and Lip Cream from The Balm in Pie on Twitter. This is my first Balm product and I mostly love it as it's miniature and it opens up like a book. The colour is gorgeous, cream blush confuses me so I've mostly been using it as a lip colour.
I chose to get Redrum* and Unicorn Blood* from Jeffree Star as I'm a sucker for reds and the other colours scared me.
These are amazing. They're very similar to the Lime Crime Velvetines in that it's a liquid lipstick and they last quite a while. These don't dry out as much as the Velvetines which is a plus so they're not that uncomfortable to wear.
For me it was easier to use a lip liner beforehand so I could apply it nicely as my lips don't naturally have a defined line so I have to create one. The applicator is very squishy and flexible and is easy to use.
When you first apply it you can somewhat feel it on your lips but the more you wear it the less you notice it on your lips which is great. They last very well, for me it does however wear off on the inner section of my lips especially when drinking and eating but it's easy to just re-apply. They come off easily with makeup remover, I use the Elizabeth Arden Eye and Lip Remover.
I may be jumping the gun a bit but Redrum would have to be my new favourite red. The formula is great and the colour is gorgeous, for me it's the perfect red. Unicorn Blood definitely lives up to it's name, it looks almost brown in the bottle and swatched it's a dark reddy brown. This would be great for a night time look or the day if you're brave enough. Overall I really love them, especially Redrum.
The Jeffree Star Cosmetics Velour Liquid Lipsticks are NZ$32. are now selling Milani products and it's exciting. 
Hope you all enjoyed this post! A little fact for you all, I swatched both my arms as I realised it was impossible to take a picture of my right wrist with my right hand (the side of the button on the camera). I should of thought that through.
*These were sent to me but the review is all my own opinions.