I've had this for couple of months and I've finally remembered to do a post on it. *Oops memory problems*
Adult colouring books have been quite popular recently and I had to jump on the bandwagon. I can't even remember the last time I had a colouring in book, probably back in primary school, but I do remember that I loved it hence why I'm so happy about this book.
The illustrations are gorgeous; intricate designs of flowers, butterflies and other things which become even more aesthetically pleasing once there is colour on the page. I haven't yet done much but I enjoy switching off from whatever's going on and just adding colour to the page.
I also love the name of the book. I've always loved to have a secret garden, when I was younger I created my own one at the back of our property. Also reminds me of the movie 'The Secret Garden', it was one of my favourite films.
I got Secret Garden from Book Depository. Johanna Basford also has another book, Enchanted Forest which is next on my list to get.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! xxx