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Inherited Treasures

All of these items belonged to my Grandparents and have been in storage for a while. My Aunt wanted to get rid of some stuff so my parents brought some of it home. Mum thought I would like these couple of things which surprise surprise (not really) it's mostly art.

According to Mum this was a school bag back in the day (I think). I love vintage briefcases, I already have one of my Granddad's which I mentioned in one of my first posts on the blog.
I'm pretty sure this is a paper weight. I remember being fascinated with it when I was younger. Whenever we visited my Grandparents I would always play with it. I'm pretty sure I was intrigued by the birds inside and how they look like they're flying.

These are the random pieces of art that my Grandmother had. Mum says that the top one was done by a relation of ours apparently. I've googled the initials but haven't found anything.
The one below that is of Shakespeare's birthplace and underneath that one Anne Hathaway's Cottage.
Have a great weekend everyone! It's my last shift at the Pah tomorrow, kind of dreading it to be honest. I've also got to finish my proposal for the exhibition, it's like uni all over again when I leave things till the last minute.
Ashley xx