I think the word 'haul' might be a bit too overzealous. I only got two things while in Wellington. On our last full day we drove down to Westgate for a bit of shopping. My sister was in her element and bought herself two pairs of shoes, I swear she's shoe mad. I however got myself a couple of tops which I am rather fond of.
Both tops are from Crossroads and I'm pretty sure that they were on sale. This first top is just a plain grey with a V neck. I liked the white stripes on the sleeves which kinda makes it less plain.
The other top is just plain white with the back being a little lower than the front. The lower third at the back is a different material which is more see through. That and the details of the zips on either side really appealed to me. The shade of white also greatly appealed, lately I've been obsessed with neutral tones such as white and greys.
Most of the time when I shop I find something I really like but then don't end up wearing it ever. I'm trying to fix that and actually think about where and how I'm going to wear it. These two shirts are casual and can go with a number of outfits so I think I did well.