Ok for a while now I've been binge watching Doctor Who, there's a lot of it so it's taken me quite a lot of time. At the moment I'm up to season eight and I've come to realise that I really like Clara's style. I remembered about this website WornOnTv which shows you what brand the clothes are and also gives some alternatives. While investigating I stumbled across House of Fraser which is both good and bad.
The site has a lot of brands such as Ted Baker, Needle & Thread and Whistles. It also ships to New Zealand which again is good and bad. I thought I would make a wish list which lets face it is only a little taster of items I need to have in my life.
Link: Lace Collar Dress
Link: Roses Jacquard Dress
Link: Classic Trench Coat
Link: Double Layer Top
As you can see most of the items are from the brand Yumi because all their clothes are amazing. If I could only wear one brand of clothing that would be it. They honestly have the most gorgeous skater dresses including styles which I have been looking for AGES. I'm obsessed, I want them all.
Ashley xx