While February was a day longer this year it still flew by and once again I feel I've achieved nothing. I've pretty much followed my usual pattern, do nothing during January and February and then head back to uni. Only this time I have no uni to go back to, I'm always looking out for opportunities but nothing has happened so far. In the meantime this blog has become my full time job, kind of.
A little haul from Sephora and Once'it which illustrates two of my obsessions. Red lipstick and marble.
It took me a while but I finally got around to editing and putting up a vlog of my time in Wellington over New Years.
Been trying to improved my fitness this year and have been liking these two channels.
Another book review. This is a crime novel and is part of a long series.
A post centred around my favourite word. Sharing my love for some gorgeous blogs and instagrams.
Discovered another online shopping website and of course I found pieces that I love. Made a little wish list to share.
When I see free shipping there's no stopping me. Doesn't explain the other purchase but oh well.
Ashley xx