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Books to Read in May

While this is only the second time I've done them I'm really enjoying these book posts, I am kind of setting myself a goal for the month. I overestimated last month, I probably am this month as well but you've got to have goals.

Under Italian Skies - Nicky Pellegrino*
I've recently started this book right after The Loveliest Chocolate Shop in Paris*. I've moved from Paris to Italy which again is somewhere I would love to visit or move to. The story follows Stella who's life has had a kind of dramatic change. She decides to do a house swap and finds herself in Italy. Honestly I'm excited for Stella to get to Italy so I can live vicariously through her and day dream about it.

The Reaction - Helena Coggan*
This book is different from the ones I've been reading recently and sounds like a refreshing change. The book follows fifteen-year-old Rose Elmsworth whose father is imprisoned and is keeping a secret which could destroy her. It mentions magicals and non-magicals which makes me even more excited for this book as I do love a fantasy element.

Demon Road - Derek Landy*
I mentioned this book and it's sequel last month. This book is next in line so I will get to it this month.

Yellow Brick War - Danielle Paige*
The Wizard of Oz was a movie I watched when I was younger and I've always had a fascination with it. This book is kind of like a sequel only things aren't doing so well in Oz and Dorothy is no longer a saviour. Good is Wicked, Wicked is Good and it's up to Amy Gumm to stop Dorothy from destroying Oz as well as Kansas. The story sounds fascinating, I can't wait to start reading.

What's on your reading list in May?

*Review Copies sent from Hachette NZ & HarperCollins NZ

Ashley xx