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Demon Road Trilogy | Demon Road + Desolation

Desolation*, the second book in the trilogy, is the most recent to be release and since I had not read its predecessor Harper Collins NZ were nice enough to send me it. The back of the book blurb had mentions of demons and vampires so I was excited to start reading.

Demon Road - Derek Landy*

Amber Lamont is a normal sixteen-year-old, but when a shocking encounter reveals a horrifying family secret, Amber is forced to go on the run. Killer cars, vampires, undead serial killers and red-skinned, horned demons - Amber hurtles from one threat to the next, revealing the terror woven into the very fabric of her life.

Starting off at the very beginning we get to see Amber before everything happens which really helps show how much her character has changed throughout the books. She goes from a insecure teenager to someone who is still somewhat insecure but also brave and badass. I also liked the relationship between her and Milo, starting out as strangers they become close and end up saving each other throughout the books.

The book was really fast paced which I liked. Amber and Milo were constantly moving to their destination and of course were met with obstacles along the way. I wasn't so sure about the character Glen but he was a nice bit of comic relief in a very serious situation. Overall I really liked the book, it had a couple of action packed segments like in a superhero movie but you also got to know the characters and really care for them.   4 Stars

Desolation - Derek Landy*

Reeling from their bloody encounter in New York City Amber and Milo flee north. On their trail are the Hounds of Hell. Amber and Milo's only hope lies within Desolation Hill - a small town with a big secret; a town with a darkness to it, where evil seeps through the very floorboards.

Picking up where the last one left off Amber and Milo are once again on the run and are making their way to Desolation Hill. They discover the Hounds are unable to enter to try to stay inside the strange town's lines. Throughout the book they discover something sinister with the town. You always had the feeling that Desolation Hill was a weird place, the people felt fake and it just gave me the creeps.

The book is a bit different from Demon Road  in that there are chapters from the perspective of different groups of people which all merge at the end. It was strange at first as I'd just finished Demon Road which was all Amber and Milo but I got use to it. Also different was the fact the plot was more stationary/slower in that the story took place in the town rather than the two characters being on the move.

I really like the group (Kelly, Linda, Ronnie, Warrick and Two the dog) they are a cool bunch of characters who put themselves in dangerous situations but still had a sense of humour about them.  Overall I liked the book, not as much as the first but still good. The ending was great, I'm excited for the next instalment and for Amber to get her revenge.   4 Stars.

Have you read these books? What did you think?

Ashley xx

*Review copies sent from HarperCollins NZ, opinions are my own