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May Review

Happy June everyone! Winter had arrived although you wouldn't think it looking outside. This is the first day in a long long time where there is not a cloud in the sky, it's the nicest day a part from the slight chill. Winter wouldn't be so bad if it was always like this.

I've managed to read all but one in May, go me! I'm wondering whether I should put books I didn't get to in the next 'To Read' post. It might be a bit repetitive, I don't know.

Had some recent purchases which I hadn't shared yet. I also did a video as well on it. You can check out the Clothing Haul here.

Thought I would try my hand at a repurchases post. This one is about some skincare items.

Staying at home all day everyday makes me feel kind of low so I find it good to give myself a 'mental health' day and just get out of the house and do something fun.

Another round of book reviews.

I'm trying to make a go of my YouTube channel and have done a couple of videos. Would be awesome if you could subscribe.

Favourites include a perfume, book and career goals.

Ashley xx