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Review | The Midas Legacy, The Cloud Leopard's Daughter & Peggy and Me

Lately I've been in a reading slum and haven't been picking up books as often as I should. I've almost finished one I'm currently reading so hopefully a new book will invigorate me to just stop and read. A while ago I went on Book Depository and just added all the books I want to my wishlist. There's quite a few and eventually I'll buy them and indulged in the authors imagined world.

The Midas Legacy*, if you can't tell, is quite a big book and I'll admit I was quite daunted by it. When asked to describe it the first thing that popped into my head was that it's similar to the National Treasure movies and also Indianna Jones I guess. There's a lot of action and adventure as well as a dash of mythology which I'm always attracted to. The story follows Dr. Nina Wilde & her husband Eddie. They discovered the lost city of Atlantis and now they're on the trail of another mystery, the secret of King Midas. 

The story is really well done, they're a number of surprises that always keep you on your feet. You think you know where the story is heading but end up being wrong which I feel is a good thing. The myth of King Midas is also made very credible, there's some science behind it which I didn't understand at all but makes it sound possible.

This is the twelfth book in the series so I'm keen to slowly go through them all... eventually.

4 stars

Like The Midas Legacy,  The Cloud Leopard's Daughter* is another adventure story. Set in 1863 it follows Kitty, Rian & Amber Farrell as well as their crew aboard the Katipo III. In this book they set off to rescue Amber's friend Bao as well as encountering other obstacles which makes it more interesting. I didn't find it as compelling as the Midas adventure but was still an enjoyable read. I especially liked the character of Bao who was strong as well as brave and managed to escape from where she was being held in Hong Kong.

3.5 stars

I'm pretty sure ever since my family adopted our two dogs I've become more of a dog person. I like dogs more the people let's just be honest. When I saw Peggy & Me* was being released I knew I had to have a copy, not only cause Peggy is really cute but I'm also a fan of Miranda Hart.

The book is basically written exactly how Miranda speaks, it's basically like she's speaking to you and at times for me I found it hard to keep a rhythm. Aside from that the stories in the book are very cute and also relatable to dogs owners. The parts I particularity loved were the insightful moments Miranda has on how Peggy has taught her lessons about life such as stopping and appreciating what's around you. Peggy also puts her two cents in throughout the book so it's not completely one sided.

3 stars

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them?

Ashley xx
*Review copies