April for me has always felt like an 'in-between' month. It doesn't feel like it's the start of the year anymore, it's no longer new and pretty soon it will be the middle of the year. Time passes really fast which is scary. I also never seem to find time to read hence why a book is repeated from last month as well as it being quite dense in material meaning I have to read slower in order to actually understand it. This month is its deadline so hopefully I make it.
The Glass Universe by Dava Sobel*
This one is a real slow burner. It's very dense in information, especially all the astronomy stuff of which I understand very little. I wrote more about it in March's post.
The Firemaker by Peter May*
This is the first of the China Thriller series, there's six of them and I received the first three. This was first published in 1999 so I think they got re-released. The books are in the crime genre. A forensic pathologist goes to Beijing to take up a teaching position as well as to escape her past and winds up helping an investigation with a Chinese detective. So far I've only read up to the start of the investigation and so far I'm enjoying it. I really liked the introduction by the author in which he shares his first ever trip to China and subsequent ones as well as his extensive research which went into writing the book.
These two I will hopefully get started this month.
The Fourth Sacrifice by Peter May*
This is the second book in the series. Margaret Campbell (the American pathologist) is once again being called upon by the Chinese police force to investigate a series of four horrific ritual executions. Campbell & Li (the Chinese detective) have a strained relationship of sorts and it looks like it continues in this one.
A Tragic Kind of Wonderful by Eric Lindstrom*
This book follows Mel who is mourning the death of her brother, the loss of three friendships that meant everything to her as well as a condition that her closest friends don't know about. She hides away from everyone until the plight of an old friend and meeting someone new shows her that opening up to life is a risk worth taking. I like stories about characters living with mental illness and just from reading the blurb I really identify with this story, I'm looking forward to starting it.
What books are you planning to read in April?
Ashley xx
*Review copy