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Wall Art | Christmas Gift Ideas

Yesterday my parents decided to go to Taupo and I decided to tag along. The picture above is of one of the wall art pieces the parentals liked and decided to put up. Seeing as I'm without my usual marble background I decided to take a picture of this. Prints are something which I've recently become obsessed with, mostly thanks to Kate whose interiors are just goals. With the festive season soon approaching they're also great gift ideas and I've found some which I would love to adorn my room.

All of these prints are from Etsy & are downloadable ones so you get them instantly and print however you want them. As a side note I've recently started up my own little shop on Esty, La Vivienne Edit. There are some photos as well as prints up at the moment & I would love if you all visited it.

Having a print of a city map has always interested me and of course the city I most want to have on my wall is Paris. There are quite a number of these on Esty so there's plenty of choices but what I liked about this version is that it includes street names. There are other cities I would love to get maps of, someday I'll end up with just a wall of them.

I'm an Art History fan girl basically and when I stumbled across this while searching through Etsy I was enamoured. The seller has got a number of Altered Paintings for sale and I just really like the idea of taking an established piece of art and adding a twist to it.

I've always been attracted to 'fashion' prints or just any prints with the female form. I also like how monochrome & simplistic it is. It also had a watercolour effect to it which I'm a fan of. 

I absolutely love the illustrations by the seller, they're gorgeous. I picked this one as I love the style of the Dior bottle and the colour. This illustration comes in a number of other colours and there are also prints of shoes, cameras etc. 

Once again I really like the minimalism with it as well as the pop of red. I quite like a number of the illustrations in this shop. At this rate, my walls are just going to be covered in art.

Are you a fan of wall art?

Ashley xx