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Beauty Haul

So I have got most of my online purchases (yay!) and I thought I would share what I got make up and beauty wise.
I am really a newbie at this whole make up thing so right now I'm building up my collection of make up and brushes so I can try to put on make up and not look horrible.  I'm also relying on make up tutorials on YouTube to help me which I hope goes well.
Through beauty blogs and videos I've heard that Real Technique brushes are very good and are also cheap which is a plus.  I brought a Blush Brush and a Setting Brush and hear they can be used for bronzing a powder as well.  I got these of Feel Unique which has free shipping which is awesome and I can't wait to try them.
While shopping for other things I found these to lip glosses I thought I might as well get them as well (typical).  They are both from Rimmel which is a brand I'm obsessed with and they are a nice pinkish red colour which I love.  The 1000 Kisses I got from Asos and is kind of like a highlighter pen that you put on your lips while the Apocalips has a traditional end and does not need much to cover my lips.  Both could be used for day or night with the Apocalips being more night depending on the colour.
Hope you enjoyed this post and feel free to suggest any products that are favourites of yours.