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Art Inspiration - Italian Patrons and Artists


It's been a while since I've done an art post and since I had my first lecture for my last Art History course on Friday I thought I might share some images which I found interesting and try to explain what the course is about.
The course is called 'Artists and Patrons in Renaissance Italy' and I soon as I saw it was being offered this year I knew I wanted to do it, Italy + Renaissance = <3 The last time I really studied this area was in high school/in my first year so I was really excited for it.  The course focuses on the relationship between the Patron and the Artist and how it reflects on the work.
Mantena, Camera degli Sposi, Ducal Palace, Mantua
This is the ceiling of the Duke of Mantua's palace and as soon as I saw it I was like whoa. I was amazed at all the detail in the greenery, the architecture and also the use of foreshortening.  The use of gold really enhances the magnificence of the painting and would clearly illustrate the wealth and power of the Duke.
Majolica plate with the arms of Isabella d'Este
This plate is very magnificent and I'm really amazed about the amount of detail and skill it would have took to create this piece of art.  The plate is thought to be for d'Este's daughters wedding which shows how the elites at the time celebrated events and how it was another opportunity to show off the wealth and power.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! I also am taking a course on ancient Greek and Egyptian art which is not as colourful and magnificent as the Renaissance but it's interesting and I might do some posts on it.