I've had this for about a week now and it has quickly become my favourite thing ever! I just always seem to have dark circles under my eyes which do not look nice at all. The shade I have is in Fair and it is like magic, it instantly brightens up my eyes and makes me not look like a zombie and overall just brightens up my whole face which is a plus.
Yesterday's weather
I'm not a fan of winter, I hate the bitterly cold mornings when I have to wake up early for the train. The last two days however have been really warmish and Spring like especially yesterday. I was debating whether to wear my big coat to uni but decided against it and hoped it wouldn't get cold. It didn't, the sky was clear and there was no wind which made the day warmer. It was really nice to just sit outside in the sun and soak in the warmth.
Today is the first day of August which is weird as July went by really fast, probably due to the fact that I was on break for most of it. August is the last month of winter which means four weeks till Spring! Hopefully the days will get warmer as the month goes on. I don't really have anything exciting planned for this month but of course you never know what will happen.
Hope you all enjoyed this post and have a great weekend! :D