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Clothes, Clothes and Clothes


As mentioned last week I went to Farmers and they were having a sale and there were quite a number of clothes on the sale rack.  I managed to find some gems as well as some other pieces that were still on sale but not to the extent as the others.

These are the little gems I found on the sales rack.  The pink sweater at the top was $10 and what drew me to it was for sure was the detail on the shoulders, I do love a bit of sparkle and pink.  The denim jacket and the peach/coral blazer were $20 and when I saw them I knew I had to have them, everyone needs to have a denim jacket right?  The picture on the left is the actual colour of the blazer, it's nicely fitted and I love how bright and summery the colour is. 
These two weren't on the sale rack but I really really liked them.  The top is just a nice summery shirt that I can just throw on and it goes nicely with the blazer.  The skirt is a 'denim' skater style but is not really denim, just looks like it.  I've been having a thing for skater style skirts for a while now, I just want one is every colour/pattern.
Hope you all enjoyed this post!