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My Favourite Things #23

Popbasic Polka Dot Blouse
This finally arrived last week and is my most favourite piece of clothing ever.  I really like blouses, I think I need to get some more.  I just love how classic it looks, the black and the white polka dots. It would look great all dressed up with a skirt or dressed down with some jeans. Gotta love versatility. 

There is a Popbasic link along the sidebar at the bottom and if you click on it you'll get $15 credit to go towards one of their amazing collections!
Taylor Swift - 1989
I very rarely buy a whole album, usually I just do songs at a time which I know that I like.  However after hearing Shake it off, Welcome to New York and Out of the Woods I took the leap and got the whole album. I was not disappointed.  The whole album is amazing! At the moment the ones I listen to the most is Style, Wildest Dreams and New Romantics.  I already have the album digitally but I really want to get the hard copy as it comes with a series of polaroid's... yeah I'm definitely going to get it.

Tomorrow is Lorde's concert in Auckland and I'm pretty excited, not as much as my sister, but still excited.  This this is the first time I'm seeing her live, I know it's going to be good so I'm really looking forward to it.  I am thinking of rocking her signature dark purple lip but not sure yet.

Hope you all enjoyed this post and have a great weekend and Halloween if you're into that.