Last week while wandering aimlessly around the city I came across a Makeup Clearance store in the Downtown Westfield. It was the first time I'd seen it there and needed to have a look. I got the chance on Thursday which was a special day as my Student Allowance finally came so I was in the mood to spend. So yeah I kinda went a bit crazy especially when it came to the lipsticks, I was good though in that I didn't even go near the O.P.I's.
From Left to Right:
Maybelline 985, Infra-Red
I nearly didn't buy this one. I already had the three lipsticks and the concealer but I just couldn't help myself. I can't resist a gorgeous red, and I knew if I didn't get it I would regret it forever. I basically bought it so I could emulate Taylor Swift. The bullet looks very red but when applied it's more of an orangey red but is still a gorgeous colour.
Revlon Super Lustrous 485, Raspberry Freeze
As soon as I saw this colour I wanted to get it. I already has a Super Lustrous lipstick which I have raved about numerous times on the blog such as here so I knew it was a good lipstick. The name is also what got me, the same goes with nail polishes if it has a cool name I'm more likely to get it. I just like the pairing of Raspberry and Freeze, I dunno I'm a bit of a word freak. The colour is a demure purple I guess, all I know is that it is gorgeous. It comes off a more pinkish purple but still purple if you get what I mean. I'll stop now.
Maybelline Colour Whisper 290, Strike a Rose
I've always wanted a light pink colour that was more like a gloss type thing and as soon as I swatched this I knew I had to have it. As the name 'Colour Whisper' might suggest the colour is more like a tint/lip-gloss situation. I love it, it gives a nice pink gloss to my lips and my fear of having patchy lips is not needed as it's not that noticeable.
Rimmel Kate Moss 103
I was so excited when I saw they had these lipsticks. Unfortunately 107 was not there *sigh* but I did find this colour which caught my eye. It's a pinky nude which I thought was gorgeous. I don't really have a nude so I got it of course, it will be nice to wear just on an everyday basis.
L.A. Girl Pro Conceal
As soon as I saw this I knew I had to get it. I've heard Shannon from Shaaanxo rave about it and use in her video's so I knew I had to find some. I got the lightest shade that was there, Natural, so hoped it would be ok. So far I've used it once and it wasn't too dark, YUS! I've noticed it's more thicker and more yellow in colour compared to my Collection Cosmetics concealer but I really like it. My Collection Cosmetics one is definitely more brighter so will maybe be better suited for the under eye area.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! I'm struggling with studying at the moment, there is just so much to study and the lecturer's have given no hints to what the questions are going to cover *sigh* lets hope my memory has improved.