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Waiheke Adventures


Hope you all had a great weekend and if you in New Zealand are still enjoying the long weekend YAY! This weekend has been a lazy one for me but some exciting things did happen. On Saturday I got a new laptop since my last one just gave up on life R.I.P. So this post is being written on my favourite new toy which is awesome. 
For this weekend my Mum randomly decided that we were going to go to Waiheke, so yesterday we did.  The day wasn't really the best, it was overcast and not to mentioned windy as hell so I was freezing the entire time.  My brother decided not to take a jumper at all so had to buy one while we were there. 
I hadn't been on a ferry since I was a child so I was a bit excited for the trip.  Aside for the occasional up and down motion the trip was basically similar to that of a train which I've taken almost everyday for the past four years so it kind of felt familiar but had better views.  Once we got there we went on a little tour and saw some amazing houses which I would love to one day have.  We didn't stay there long, we looked at all the little shops in it's only little town and pretty much all the time was spent having lunch which was so good.
And of course I took some photo's of the view
Aside for the freezing wind it was a nice day out.  Hopefully there will be another longer visit so I can explore the rest of the island.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! I've got to now force myself to study as my first exam is in a week :/ It's a little daunting, there is so many things to remember.