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My Favourite Things #29

Katy Perry
Literally just today I managed to get some tickets to Katy Perry that aren't that bad that I know of. Oh well, I'm going!!! I saw her when she last came to NZ way back in 2011, she was amazing and I am super excited for tomorrow night! :D

 A photo for you all because she's such a babe <3
Last week I went a bit crazy on 1 Day, it's a website that has three different deals on anything and they last for 24 hrs. I bought three things, one was a Christmas pressie and the other two were for me oops. When I saw this mirror I knew I wanted it, I don't really have a good mirror on a stand and felt it was a necessity.

It is huge! It spins around and one of the mirror is magnified which is something to be weary of.
Gym Ball
I got this in the same sale as the mirror. I've always wanted one of these balls so when I saw it I went for it. 
It's so fun and squishy! So much fun that my sister keeps taking it and using it.
Hope you all enjoyed this post and have a great weekend!