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New Year

Hello again

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and ate too much food and chocolate. I know it's true for me, the Christmas ham will probably last all of January but not the chocolate with the way I'm going through it all.
Today is the last day of 2014. 2015 is a new beginning and it feels exciting have a fresh slate and to see what comes of it.  I'm particularly excited about my family's trip to the Gold Coast in March, my first overseas trip.
2014 was ok, I completed my degree (still can't believe I've finished) and I saw some amazing concerts; Justin Timberlake, Lorde and Katy Perry who was for sure the highlight out of all of them.  It was ok as everything is still basically the same, I'm sat in the same position as I was last year.
In 2015 I want to be less scared of opportunities and just do what makes me happy rather than what I'm expected to do if that makes any sense.  I'm very shy, socially awkward and I overthink everything which is not a great combo.  In 2015 I want to stress less and to just do things rather than overthink to the point were I don't do the things I want to do, that doesn't sound hard at all :/
Anyway I hope you all have a great New Years wherever you are in the world and are ready to embrace the new opportunities and experiences 2015 has for you.  
Ashley xx