As you may or may not know a couple of weeks ago I went to the Gold Coast for a week with my family. It was amazing, it was different but familiar and of course the heat was intense. I came back with a slight tan (it's a miracle!) and of course my suitcase was a bit heavier with my purchases. I was very reserved with my buying, much more so than my siblings, but I got some great things.
This the first thing I got and it from David Jones Warehouse (strange place). My hair is pretty much flat and boring all day everyday so I've been wanting some curlers and these were half price! And they're purple too which is awesome.
These are from Target and they're just a nice lounging around pair of pants that are just cool. I also got a pair of jandals from Target as I only bought shoes and boots and underestimated how hot it was.
We went to Sea World and Movie World while we were there (Sea World was my fav). I didn't get anything from Sea World even though I was tempted but I gave in at Movie World when I saw this. As you can see it's a figure of Daenerys Targaryen with a dragon. It's soooo cool, I love it so much.
First of all Kmart is amazing and I looooove it <3 <3 Pretty much as soon as we walked in clothes went straight into the basket. I got two pairs of jeans, one 3/4 and the other pair is full length and is actually more jeggings than actual jeans. I also got another black skater skirt because you can never have too many.
I got the shirt above which I really love. I'm obsessed with peter pan collars and just collars in general and love the whole shirt under a jumper look. I just think it looks cool and would look great with jeans or a skirt.
The cardigan has to be my favourite thing that I have ever got. It's so fluffy, soft and warm. Honestly it's the best thing ever. It came in three colours; grey, white and pink. I was tossing up between the white and pink but pink won out because it's me and I just pick pink over anything. I do still want the white one though, and the grey one too...
I also got a shirt from Quicksilver which is actually a guys shirt but I liked it. It's grey with maroon sleeves and pocket.
I got these on our last full day and I'm obsessed with them. They are from a brand called Colette by Colette Hayman and these bags were part of their half price sale. YAY FOR SALES.
I'm obsessed (I'm using this word a lot) with satchel bags and the one I was using before as my handbag was not good. When I saw the white satchel I knew it was to be mine, it's gorgeous and classic.
When I saw the black bag I immediately thought it was such an Anna bag, yes that was my first thought #obsessed. It's big enough so I can put my books in it for uni, and I just love the simple lock detail.
No trip to Aussie is not complete without a visit to Priceline. I wasn't really feeling it when I looked at the makeup but then the Essie stand caught my eye and I had to get some. They were on sale for $13 which is pretty much like $1o cheaper than it is in NZ. I of course got Blanc, thanks to Cass I've been convinced this is an important staple to have. Like I said in last weeks Essie Post I've not been all that into bright colours, more nudes and demure colours so I decided on these two.
As you can see my pink obsession returns; the lighter pink is Eternal Optimist which I strive to be everyday but it's hard and the other is In Stitches.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! There might possibly be another Essie post in the future as Once'it have a sale on :0 This is not helping my self control.
This the first thing I got and it from David Jones Warehouse (strange place). My hair is pretty much flat and boring all day everyday so I've been wanting some curlers and these were half price! And they're purple too which is awesome.
These are from Target and they're just a nice lounging around pair of pants that are just cool. I also got a pair of jandals from Target as I only bought shoes and boots and underestimated how hot it was.
We went to Sea World and Movie World while we were there (Sea World was my fav). I didn't get anything from Sea World even though I was tempted but I gave in at Movie World when I saw this. As you can see it's a figure of Daenerys Targaryen with a dragon. It's soooo cool, I love it so much.
First of all Kmart is amazing and I looooove it <3 <3 Pretty much as soon as we walked in clothes went straight into the basket. I got two pairs of jeans, one 3/4 and the other pair is full length and is actually more jeggings than actual jeans. I also got another black skater skirt because you can never have too many.
I got the shirt above which I really love. I'm obsessed with peter pan collars and just collars in general and love the whole shirt under a jumper look. I just think it looks cool and would look great with jeans or a skirt.
The cardigan has to be my favourite thing that I have ever got. It's so fluffy, soft and warm. Honestly it's the best thing ever. It came in three colours; grey, white and pink. I was tossing up between the white and pink but pink won out because it's me and I just pick pink over anything. I do still want the white one though, and the grey one too...
I also got a shirt from Quicksilver which is actually a guys shirt but I liked it. It's grey with maroon sleeves and pocket.
I got these on our last full day and I'm obsessed with them. They are from a brand called Colette by Colette Hayman and these bags were part of their half price sale. YAY FOR SALES.
I'm obsessed (I'm using this word a lot) with satchel bags and the one I was using before as my handbag was not good. When I saw the white satchel I knew it was to be mine, it's gorgeous and classic.
When I saw the black bag I immediately thought it was such an Anna bag, yes that was my first thought #obsessed. It's big enough so I can put my books in it for uni, and I just love the simple lock detail.
No trip to Aussie is not complete without a visit to Priceline. I wasn't really feeling it when I looked at the makeup but then the Essie stand caught my eye and I had to get some. They were on sale for $13 which is pretty much like $1o cheaper than it is in NZ. I of course got Blanc, thanks to Cass I've been convinced this is an important staple to have. Like I said in last weeks Essie Post I've not been all that into bright colours, more nudes and demure colours so I decided on these two.
As you can see my pink obsession returns; the lighter pink is Eternal Optimist which I strive to be everyday but it's hard and the other is In Stitches.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! There might possibly be another Essie post in the future as Once'it have a sale on :0 This is not helping my self control.