Beauty Review is an awesome site in which you can find as well do your own reviews of products. It's great when you are looking to buy and want to see how good it is before you take the leap and spend your money. If you're a member you can also get sent products to review which is great. Another great thing is Beauty Boxes, it's kind of like a mystery box. You don't know what's in it but you know it's going to be amazing. I bit the bullet and bought the March one way back last year and it arrived while I was in Australia.
The last image is what I got in the box. I chose to have an exfoliator and was happy to see it was from Skinfood as I already have their mud mask and love.
I haven't tried much of it yet but I'm pretty sure the lipstick isn't for me. It's in the shade Angle Pink which is really light and doesn't suit me at all *sigh* I'm really excited about the other products especially the bobby spinners. I can't seem to manage regular bobby pins so hopefully they're easier to use.
Hope you all enjoyed this post and have an amazing Easter break! Make sure to eat lots of chocolate because it doesn't count during Easter right? :p I'm on break now for uni so most of my time will be dedicated to assignments which have seemed to pile up :/