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Elizabeth Arden vs Garnier: Battle of the Makeup Removers

For a long while I've been hearing the hype surrounding the Garnier Micellar water and how it amazing it is.  I've been trying to find it with no avail until a some weeks ago when I spotted the last bottle at Farmers.  I found it just in time as I was almost out of my Elizabeth Arden Makeup Remover.
I thought I might do a comparison of the two because they quite similar but yet different.
I got both of these from Farmers. The Garnier Micellar Water is $12.99 and is 400 ml.  The Elizabeth Arden Makeup Remover is $51.00 and is 100 ml.  In just comparing this you definitely get more for your money with the Garnier, it's cheaper but yet has more product than it's expensive counterpart.
Both products are very effective in taking off makeup easily.  They're pretty much similar in that respect. You also don't need to use much product as well, your makeup pretty much glides off.
There are more of these then similarities as you will see.  The Elizabeth Arden is more oil based so when I use it my face kind of gets like an oily cover which made it very soft and weird.  My face also felt amazing once I washed my face afterwards.  You don't get that with the Garnier and it leaves my face a little dry so you definitely need to moisturise afterwards.
The Elizabeth Arden is also more effective in taking off mascara (probably since it is oil based).  When I used the Garnier on my eyes my mascara doesn't budge at all, so these days I been forgoing the mascara cause I can't be bothered trying to get it off.
The Elizabeth Arden is somewhat better, it should be since it's way more expensive, but I do love the Garnier just as much. I'll keep getting the Garnier as it's much cheaper (if I can find it again) and they do have a remover for eye makeup so it will be interesting to see how good it is. 
Hope you all enjoyed this post! xoxo