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Amy Snow - Tracy Rees

I may or may not expressed it enough on the blog but I love books.  When I get a new book I usually run through it and find it very hard to stop.  More often than not I have to read it a couple more times to pick up things I've missed.
When the opportunity to work with Hachette NZ came up I jumped at the chance and I'm so glad I did. 
The first book they sent me was Amy Snow* by Tracy Rees and it is actually her debut novel.
Book Summary
The book follows Amy Snow who was abandoned as a baby and found in the snow by Aurelia Vennaway.  Amy grew up at Hatville Court but was seen as an inconvenience to everyone but Aurelia who is Amy's only friend.
When Aurelia tragically dies young she leaves Amy a treasure hunt in the form of letters and she embarks on a journey to discover Aurelia's secret.
What really interested me about the book was the whole treasure hunt theme. I loved them when I was younger, in fact I still love them today.  It was this that really made the book exciting for me, the reader like Amy had no idea what Aurelia had planned for them.
A good book for me keeps you guessing and even better if you get surprised.  This book definitely did that.  Aurelia's secret completely surprised me; I was like what, really, no way. 
At the start of the book the chapters switch between Amy's journey and flashbacks which gives us a sense of how Amy grew up.  There are some heart-breaking moments especially with the relationship between Amy and Lady Vennaway as well as Aurelia's death.  There are some sweet and funny moments with the friendship between the two girls and Amy navigating her way through the hunt on her own.
That fact it was set in the mid 19th Century in England made it more intriguing for me. I kind of love stories that aren't set in normal 21st century life.
Overall I completely enjoyed this book and would gladly read again a number of times.  The book came out yesterday, June 9, and you all should definitely get a copy if it sounded like something you'd read.
* This book was sent to me but the review was all my own opinions.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! xoxo