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Favourite Christmas Songs

Christmas is my favourite time of year. I think I love the build up most of all. The excitement, the lights, getting a Christmas tree etc just makes December a great month. The season also calls for Christmas movies (which I love) and songs. I might do a post on my favourite Christmas movies as well, let me know if you want one, but today is all about the music.
Most of the songs I'm going to include are the more older, traditional songs which I sang along to in primary school. These songs are very nostalgic and remind me of when I was younger where Christmas was even more exciting.
Jingle Bell Rock
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Feliz Navidad
Santa Claus is coming to Town
I'd thought I would put a little bonus video in that's not a Christmas song. It's a really old Disney short of Santa's workshop. I would watch this over and over as a child.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! I would love to know what your favourite Christmas songs are. Listening to all of these songs has put me into a festive mood.