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November Review

November was the first real month that I got back into blogging so there are quite a number of more posts than October. I know everybody is saying this but I can't believe that it's December, the last month of the year. I can't wait for Christmas but I'm not quite ready for 2015 to be over.
This purchase was heavily influenced by the many Facebook groups I'm apart of. Candles that come in a variety of nice scents and have a mystery ring inside them, yep you know I was going to get one.
Sometimes I just like to go on eBay and search random things. Most of the time I end up buying those random things.
Self explanatory really. Liquid Lipsticks are amazing and I'm in love with them.
Trying to take note of things around me and wanting to be more visually creative.
First of a little travel series I want to do. Am always dreaming of leaving this country and exploring magical places.
Long overdue reviews of some books that took me a while to get through.
Wanting to make a return with these posts. Includes TV shows, blogs and jewellery.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! Now that it's December I want to do some Christmassy type posts. Not sure what yet, if you have any ideas I would love to hear them. xxx