I've never been any good at introductions, essays/blog posts and just in general social situations. I don't know how to start which leads me to putting whatever it is off. It's the last day of June and it's going out as a typical winter day, grey and wet. I wish I was anywhere but here, going on an exciting adventure.
Reimagined Classics
I love books that take a classic and reinvent them. I wrote about Yellow Brick Road* in Tuesday's post and at the moment I'm reading Queen of Hearts* which is like a prequel to Alice and Wonderland. I've been obsessed with Alice and Wonderland ever since I was younger, I just find the whole imagined world so fascinating. I'm really liking the book so far. The story is set around Dinah, the next Queen of Hearts who must stay one step ahead of her enemies and defend her crown.
Does this class as photography inception? A photo in a camera which in itself is a photo in another camera. I've just finished an online photography course which is through Open2Study, I didn't really understand half of it but it made me really inspired and motivated to pick up the camera and just take photos. I'm really excited about it, I've made a tumblr for it and everything. Now I just need it to stop raining so I can actually go outside.
Gilmore Girls
Pretty much everybody is excited for the Gilmore Girls revival so I thought I'd better start from the beginning. I remember watching the odd episode when it was on TV but I think they were mostly the first couple of seasons. I'm now binge watching it and I now remember how much I wanted to live in Stars Hollow, it just seems like a cool town with all its festivals.
At home winter layers
By 'at home' I mean my slippers and dressing gown. I'm at home most of the time so this is what my outfit consists of mostly. One of the slippers was starting to fall a part but I got my Dad to glue it back together which one of those industrial glues he uses for building, it did the trick. I'm pretty sure I'm starting to get cabin fever, I need to get out of the house and do something.
What are your June Favourites?
Ashley xx
P.S. There's a new-ish video up on my YouTube channel, it's me attempting to apply eyeshadow. There's a link to it on the sidebar.
*Review copies from HarperCollins NZ