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June Review

June went out grey while July came in with blue sky and warmth. Weather is a fickle thing. I don't really have anything special planned for this month, just the same old same old. I am always hopeful though that the new month will bring unexpected changes which I am 100% open for. Here's what happened on the blog in June.

I did well last month, I've read all but one. It's a bit of a slow burner.

Looking through my makeup collection and rediscovering lipsticks I forgot I had.

A little book review that involves Demons, Vampires... just the usual.

Fell in love with these and just had to buy myself a pair.

Thought it would be cool to do a little video to introduce myself.

Been a while since I've done one of these posts and feeling like something blue and sparkly.

Some reviews including a trip to the magical land of OZ.

Includes books, photography & Gilmore Girls.

Ashley xx